In 2025...

The idea of creating a laboratory for MUSIC, ART and INNOVATION came up in the studio, aiming to share our journey of exploration...
At Mirlo Studio we are already looking for a new nest to support and give birth to new projects. In the past months we have been working in this direction and in Spring we hope to be ready for our first real steps, and send all our friends a proper invitation to join.

Since 2020...

Some good friends and great artists have come to our studio and have left their indelible print in our lives: Claudia García Briceño (mezzosoprano), Miguely García (soprano), Arturo Fabra (UFM), Jorge Lujua (Bajo), Georgina G.-Mauriño (author), Anibal Boscoboinik (curatorBTC), Grace Hye (artist, painter, multi-designer), Bdelta Films. They all shared with Manuel  Manuel Gimferrer different special projects. ¡Thanks very much to you all!
Mirlo.Studio was born at the end of 2020 as a private meeting spot to spread the love for the best music of all times, following the educational programs Mirlo music and Cuéntame una Ópera by Georgina García-Mauriño. In the studio, we study, we rehearse and we offer private concerts. Moreover we create digital contents in order to take our experiences to the web, so that we can share them with our friends around the world. This website is in constant evolution with the times, because we are trying to adopt the technologies new generations are going to use next. That can be a good reason for you to subscribe to our Newsletter. Mirlo Studio is the music studio of Manuel Gimferrer.